Sitemap for Te Hā o Mātauranga, Learning in Kaikoura
- Welcome to Te Hā o Mātauranga, Learning in Kaikōura
- About Te Hā o Mātauranga
- Events
- Services we offer
- Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs
- We run a variety of youth development programmes...
- Education
- Driving through Te Hā o Mātauranga
- Youth Services
- Contact Us
Te Hā o Mātauranga, Learning in Kaikoura News
- First Aid Course coming up
- Thankyou!!
- Youth Hangout!
- Outdoor Volleyball
- Garden Working Bees
- Defensive Driving Kaikōura
- We've finished up Fun in the Sun!
- Fun in the Sun has started!
- Closed for the holidays
- New plants for our garden!!
- New speakers for the Scout Hall!!
- YCD Pool Party!
- RealTalk
- RAP Workshop
- We are recruiting for a Youth Coach / Youth Worker
- We need a computer savvy volunteer please!
- Lateral Youth is back!
- Coffee coffee coffee...!
- Graffiti for Te Puna Reo
- Calling young drama enthusiasts!
- Te Hā o Mātauranga AGM
- Support for BCITO Apprentices
- Fire Warden Training
- Celebrating a couple of our apprentices!
- First Aid Training
- Youth Week 2024
- Road Works and Te Hā
- Special FX Makeup
- Defensive Driving - 2nd and 10th March
- Lady Lash - Secrets of the Eyelashes!
- Defensive Driving - Register Now!!
- Snorkelling and Boogie Boarding!
- Little Tamariki in the Community Garden
- Beginner Woodworking Class
- Xmas Crafts
- Kayaking Adventures
- Celebrating Education!
- Mother-4-Mother Breastfeeding Supporters
- YCD pool party
- Successfully Teaching Adults
- Ākonga Expressions
- Rafting The Mighty Waiau Toa!
- Rata Foundation support for Te Hā o Mātauranga
- Your Corps Tour is coming to Kaikōura!
- Come Chat about Education
- Community Pānui
- SHIFT and Th'Orchard
- Pool Party with YCD
- 2022 Highlight Reel - Merry Christmas Everyone!
- Organic Gardening
- Special FX!
- MTFJ - Supporting Local Youth into Employment
- Our superstar volunteers!
- Computer Skills Course
- Pō Whakanuia
- Lateral Youth Pool Party
- Cycle Sense
- Student Volunteer Army have come to town!
- Check it out... MTFJ at it again!
- Empower Te Rangapikikōtuku
- Pizza and Politics
- Pottered Potter
- Side Hustle
- Careers Day
- June Newsletter
- Defensive Driving in Kaikōura
- Helping your people help your business
- Mural Workshop
- Purapura whetu
- April Newsletter!
- Driving Courses
- Hit the Poster Exhibition
- Sexwise
- Garden BBQ
- We have a new position!
- Hit the Poster
- Haiku February
- YEP 2022!
- Youth Audit
- Wrapping up the year in the Big Smoke
- The Fight Against The Lupins
- Kare Toa - an update
- Te Kura Update!
- Introducing... Kare Toa
- Kaikōura Youth Awards
- The Great Kaikoura Bake Off
- Lockdown Antics
- Story Time
- Snow Day
- Out on the farm
- YEP goes boxing...
- Learners Driving Course on 22nd of July
- Come join us at Fun with Words!
- After School Aspiration Programme
- Youth in the Shed
- Coffee making Skills!
- Fast Fail
- Te Kura Catch up
- Calling all budding Cartoonists!
- Youth Week
- May Panui - Newsletter
- Youth Employability Programme
- Our new mural is complete!
- Graffiti Art
- Fun with Words goes Rafting!
- Hit The Fence is BACK!!
- Ka pai Puku
- Barista training
- Social Experiment in Kaikōura!
- endorseMe - app by Smart Waikato
- We are recruiting an Education Advocate!
- Improv bootcamp
- Workshopping
- Youth Employability Programme graduates!
- New Staff, new roles! How can we help you?
- Rafting the Waiau Toa
- Little garden boxes
- Lateral Youth
- Breaking News!! New partnership with Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs!
- Youth Services
- Entrepreneurship Evening
- Special FX and Stage Makeup
- Hit the Wall!
- Numbers and words
- Youth Coach Vacancy!
- Girls Outdoor Adventures
- Hit the wall
- Street Theatre Performance
- End of Year for Maths Group!
- KYC Camp
- Under water videoing
- Defensive driving courses...
- Kaikoura Unplugged... Day 4 & 5
- Kaikoura Unplugged...Day 3
- Kaikoura Unplugged... Day 2
- Kaikoura Unplugged... Day 1
- Highschool Maths Tutoring
- Developing new drivers
- NZ Youth Awards Winner!
- Partnership in Action!
- 14 June Fiesta Friday!
- March Newsletter Out Now!
- Off to a busy start...
- Closed for Christmas!
- Seaside Sounds
- Cyanotype Printing
- Free Online Courses
- Daisy Speaks...
- Term 4 Community Education Programme
- September Panui out now!
- The Kaikoura Education Trust AGM
- Study Group
- F.O.C.U.S (Friends Of Choice United and Strong)
- Wildflower planting
- Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
- Do you want to learn how to make your own CV?
- Our July Newsletter is out!
- Youth Week 2018
- Pink Shirt Day
- Welcome to our new Youth Development Worker
- Community Gardens and Community Shed are amping up!
- Sustainable Living Programme starting shortly
- We're all going on a summer holiday...
- Christmas Newsletter
- November newsletter out!
- Our Amazing Place - Community Fun Day
- September Newsletter out in pdf form... mail box drops coming shortly!
- Youth Science Hui
- Youth Wellbeing Fun day
- Sleep baby sleep
- Reading is my Superpower
- Our newsletter/panui is now live!
- Recycle and Create
- New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology) Level 3
- WIZBANG - After school drop in
- Our First Newsletter is published!
- Free Psychological First Aid Training from NZ Red Cross
- Felting Workshop