About Te Hā o Mātauranga

Te Hā o Mātauranga, Learning in Kaikōura is a place and a plan designed to foster and encourage learning in Kaikōura. Our dream is to create a "go-to" place for Kaikōura residents who want to learn. A place that will promote opportunities, promote conversation around education, and allow space for families to explore together how best to support their aspirations.

We want to facilitate and encourage agencies and individuals to offer learning experiences in Kaikōura, and support people to take up these opportunities. As an outcome, we aim for our families and community to be able to make choices with confidence and optimism. We want to be a community where our default setting is "how can I do this?" or "how can I support you to reach this goal?"- where we focus on the possibilities rather than the barriers. 




We are a registered Charitable Trust - charities number CC38024 and hold Level 3 Social Sector Accreditation.

Vicki Gulleford - Coordinator

Vicki keeps the hub humming by taking care of the everyday things: administration, HR, finances and wrangling printers and PCs. She has lots of useful information and connections that she shares - if you are not sure what you are looking for, Vic can probably sort it! You can usually find her around between 9am and 3pm. Vicki is also a District Councillor for Kaikōura District Council, chairing the District Licencing Committee and is a member of many funding committees. In her own time, Vicki juggles schedules with her 3 daughters, and enjoys reading and listening to music.

Email vicki@kaikoura.link

Phone 027 564 8407

Sarah Beardmore - Education Coordinator

With a passion for creating opportunities for learning in Kaikōura, Sarah has worn many hats over the 20 years she has lived in the area: from School Teacher, to Probation Officer, Community Facilitator and Coordinator of the Youth Council, and many stops in between. Sarah's role at the hub is to coordinate - bringing people together who can create opportunities and learn from each other, bringing external agencies to Kaikōura and promoting possibilities and information. Sarah has four sons and lives in Clarence. In her free time she likes to garden, swim and enjoy company of friends and family.

Email sarah@kaikoura.link

Phone 027 807 2874

Aysia McMillan - Youth Employment Coordinator

Aysia works with people and businesses to place young job seekers aged 16-24 into sustainable employment. We have a target of 38 people into sustainable work by 30 June 2024. To achieve this, Aysia engages with job seekers, identifying their strengths and ambitions, connects them with employers and provides ongoing support to ensure they achieve sustainable employment. Part of this role is working out with the employer what support they need to take on a new staff member. We can support in different ways including giving information, advice, financial assistance, training and in work support.

Phone: 027 372 2248

Email aysia@kaikoura.link

Rob Roche - Driving Instructor

Our Qualified Driving Instructor, Robby Roche, has a passion for helping people to achieve a goal! He works with each person to assess their current driving skills and knowledge, putting together a structured lesson plan and working through this with them. 

Rob is achieving some great outcomes with participants passing their full and restricted licences. 

Elbie Burnett - Youth Coach

Elbie is our Youth Coach and Youth Development Worker. She is also our Kaikōura Youth Council Coordinator! She is working through a Careerforce Apprenticeship in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) Community Facilitation strand specialising in Youth Work!

Outside of work Elbie is a mad cat lover, frequently bringing her kitten Chip to youth groups!

Email: elbie@kaikoura.link
Ph: 027 644 6144

Mark Paterson - Youth Employability Facilitator

Mark orgainses running the Youth Employability Programme in Kaikōura. This programme is designed to foster the soft skills young peolpe need to get into and retain employment. 

Email: mark@kaikoura.link 

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