RAP Workshop

8th Aug 2024

We have Praxis facilitating a RAP (Response Ability Pathways) workshop in Kaikōura on Wed 2nd and Thur 3rd October. 

RAP provides a powerful alternative to coercive or permissive approaches by focusing on the mana of rangatahi, and enlisting them as responsible agents in positive change. Rather than enforcing obedience, RAP sets high expectations for rangatahi to take responsibility for themselves and consider others.

RAP is useful for all who are working with children and youth, whether as professionals or family members. This course is well-received by educators, counsellors, social workers, psychologists, and youth workers. Participants also can include parents, foster parents, mentors, and peer helpers. Participants develop abilities to disengage from adversarial encounters, connect with adult-wary youngsters, restore bonds of respect and create climates where all young persons can flourish.

Register (copy and paste) https://forms.gle/QthUfgSmT9b5JFBi9 or contact Sarah on 0278072874 or email sarah@kaikoura.link

Cost is $250pp

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