We've finished up Fun in the Sun!
24th Jan 2025
We have had the best time running Fun in the Sun this January!
Thankyou to all our sponsors for helping to make this happen, and the biggest thankyou to all the young people who showed up - we had an awesome time hanging out with you all!
Keep an eye out on our social medias for other fun events throughout the year.
Fun in the Sun has started!
13th Jan 2025
We had a grand time at Fun in the Sun on Friday - we are on again today - Monday at 12 till 3pm at Gooches Beach.
Its out of the wind there and the sun is out and the BBQ will be ready at 1pm. A huge thanks to Middlehurst Butchery for supporting us with some delicious sausages and meat patties. Also to Poppy's for some amazing vouchers for prizes.
This event is for local Kaikōura young people aged 11 and up, come along and join in on the activities - we have tug of war, swingball, volley ball, badminton, kubs, treasure hunts, supervised swimming, and some chill time activities as well. So come on down for a chill and a chat anytime between 12 and 3.
Closed for the holidays
21st Dec 2024
Mōrena all! We are closed for the holidays, and will be opening again on the 6th of January 2025. Hope everyone has a safe and restful holiday break!
New plants for our garden!!
12th Dec 2024
These two wonderful girls have been helping us get ready for open day on Friday! They've planted herbs in the garden outside the Kapai puku shed so you can get yourself a sprig to add some tang to your dinner (give them some time to settle in before you begin harvesting!). And they've potted up some beautiful flowers to add some colour to our lives. Thanks Brydee and Jade!
New speakers for the Scout Hall!!
12th Nov 2024
A massive thank you to Kaikōura Eco Art from all the Scout Hall users!!!
Check out this beautiful new speaker system for the Scout Hall - Kyson and Jane couldn't wait to set it up properly before they started singing! The Eco Art group donated this to the Scout Hall - we are so grateful.
Get along to the Eco Art exhibition being held 15th to 18th November at the Scout Hall on Beach Rd and check out all the amazing artwork ~ Sarah
YCD Pool Party!
11th Nov 2024
A big shout out to Youth and Cultural Development for bringing the vibes to Kaikōura yesterday! And massive thanks to the Kaikōura Aquatic Centre for hosting and everyone for coming along - so much fun!
10th Nov 2024
We've had a great trip to Nelson with this crew of awesome rangatahi and with support from the amazing Ari Boyd!
We climbed the high wires at Whenua Iti, had a morning beach swim and attended the Real Talk event, as well as having lots of fun and good food along the way!
A massive thanks to the team at Real Talk - such powerful stories of hope - Real People. Real Stories! It was inspiring to hear and be a part of.
RAP Workshop
8th Aug 2024
We have Praxis facilitating a RAP (Response Ability Pathways) workshop in Kaikōura on Wed 2nd and Thur 3rd October.
RAP provides a powerful alternative to coercive or permissive approaches by focusing on the mana of rangatahi, and enlisting them as responsible agents in positive change. Rather than enforcing obedience, RAP sets high expectations for rangatahi to take responsibility for themselves and consider others.
RAP is useful for all who are working with children and youth, whether as professionals or family members. This course is well-received by educators, counsellors, social workers, psychologists, and youth workers. Participants also can include parents, foster parents, mentors, and peer helpers. Participants develop abilities to disengage from adversarial encounters, connect with adult-wary youngsters, restore bonds of respect and create climates where all young persons can flourish.
Register (copy and paste) https://forms.gle/QthUfgSmT9b5JFBi9 or contact Sarah on 0278072874 or email sarah@kaikoura.link
Cost is $250pp