Defensive Driving - Register Now!!

11th Jan 2024

We have our first Defensive Driving course for 2024 confirmed! This will be held on Saturday 27th January and Sunday 4th February, followed by a drive with our Instructor. You must attend both full days and the drive in order  to gain the certificate. Cost is $170 per person.

This is designed for people with practical driving experience, preferably on a restricted licence. Completing a defensive driving course will reduce the time on your restricted licence by 6 months!

To book, contact Joey on 027 201 7638 or email

Snorkelling and Boogie Boarding!

11th Jan 2024

We've been having a blast with local rangatahi this summer! Over three weeks we have different groups going snorkelling and/or boogie boarding with us, building up skills and confidence in our local moana and getting out there active on these beautiful summer days!

Supported by Sport Tasman and the Ministry of Youth Development, we are stoked to keep offering opportunities like this!

Big thanks to Matt Hoggard for his help with snokelling :)

Check out our video on canva - no login needed!


Little Tamariki in the Community Garden

4th Jan 2024

Little Tamariki Montessori Preschool asked if they could be involved in a project at the community garden. We made a plan for the children to plant out the tee-pee with a modified version of 3 sister planting: Sunflowers instead of corn, beans and squash (in this case, kamokamo).The planting plan creates a special space where the children and the community can visit and enjoy, while providing a fun learning environment for the children.

So far, the tamariki have come and planted the seeds, then returned to plant the seedlings into the garden. They will come back to harves the beans, kamokamo and sunflowers, completing the cycle of sowing, growing, caring and harvesting.

We love opportunities to work with our community to support hands on learning - if you have any Community Garden questions, get in touch with our guru Chloe on 027 443 4843.

Beginner Woodworking Class

1st Jan 2024

Over a period of 6 weeks, a group of 8 passionate beginner woodworkers met to create a charcuterie board. Local tutor Max Scattergood supported each lperson to familiarise themselves with a range of hand and power tools, implementing a joint assessment where both the learner and the tutor agreed the learner was competent and confident in using the tools safely and effectively. 

Each person designed and created their own charcuterie board with some gorgeous examples completed at the end of the course. 

The Kaikōura Community Shed was the venue for the group, and it is hoped that a Woodworking Club will grow from this course, with ongoing use of the Shed.

Thanks to REAP Marlborough for their support. Keep an eye out for the next class, beginning early in 2024.

Xmas Crafts

18th Dec 2023

We had a lovely session creating ornaments and painting our own wrapping paper at our Christmas Crafts session on the 13th December. We used homemade salt dough for the ornaments and after they cooled, painted them in different themes and colours! 

Kayaking Adventures

8th Dec 2023

Thanks to the Sport Tasman Tu Manawa Fund, we were able to take two groups of 6 young people pedal kayaking with Seal Kayaks. Not only were these young people able to experience something new but they also got to learn about our moana and the sea creatures that reside in it. Everyone had such a good time splashing and jumping off the kayaks for a swim.

Celebrating Education!

5th Dec 2023

Te Hā o Mātauranga held their end of year celebration on 4th December for their Te Kura ākonga (students). The ākonga were acknowledged for their strengths, their growth over the year and for the hard work that has led to academic success. 

The night was great fun, with the students contributing to the evenings activities. Keepa Timms cooked up a storm with Mark Paterson and fed the 40 or so attendees a delicious meal they prepared during the day. Kara Smith mc'd the night, with confidence and flair, leading the crowd in activities as well as acknowledging the Te Hā staff. Grace Jellyman and Allie McLaren led the evenings karakia and Kyson Manawatu sung with a voice like velvet, entertaining the crowd with a soulful rendition of Elvis Presley's In the Ghetto. 

A place like Te Hā o Mātauranga relies on support from community and some of those were thanked during the night such as James Bishop from New World supermarket and Paul Threadgill who has volunteered all year. An added bonus was a speech from the Mayor who also vacuumed the Upper Room expertly to help with the clean-up. 


Mother-4-Mother Breastfeeding Supporters

4th Dec 2023

Te Hā o Mātauranga and REAP Marlborough were approached to support the local midwife and Plunket to run a Breastfeeding Peer Support class. 

Sometimes the best advice for breastfeeding mothers comes from other mothers with breastfeeding experience. The Mother-4-Mother Breastfeeding Peer Support Programme is a Canterbury-wide service. Trained peer supporters attend breastfeeding support groups and provide one-to-one help when needed.

A Mother-4-Mother supporter can help you by:

  • providing breastfeeding information during your pregnancy
  • helping you to find solutions to challenges via telephone, txt, email and face to face
  • assisting you join a breastfeeding group in your area, so that you can meet other mothers
  • referring you to health professionals if required, e.g. lactation consultants

We were thrilled to be involved in the delivery of this peer support / peer counsellors programme. Having local wahine able to connect with mums who are new to breastfeeding, to support them as needed, is massive for our community. 

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